August, a photo sharing website where you probably don’t belong

Yesterday I stumbled upon this post at where they discussed the arrival of yet another player in the ultra saturated game of online photo sharing.

But these guys are different. First of all they’ve named their app after a month. August. How  cool is that, huh? (Yeah, I know; not very). Then, you’ll  only have access to the app once you’ve demonstrated you’re the real deal when it comes to the quality of your portfolio. I guess they’re trying really hard to keep your crappy photos elsewhere (read Instagram, Flickr and the likes).

Right, like this is the type of photo I’d be posting to August on a regular basis

So say they don’t let you in as a photographer. Don’t fret. You might still be considered worthy enough to join their artists’ community as a consumer. It’s not quite clear to me what a consumer’s supposed to do in August other than curate and perhaps help expose great work you find there through your different social media channels.  I’ve submitted my email to get in as a consumer/curator and once they let me in (or not) I’ll make sure I let you know what it’s like.

So will you try to join this rather snobbish photo sharing site? Is your photography that great? If you’d like to give it a try, here‘s where you can apply and hope the powers that be at August deem you worth letting in their precious little community. For the rest of you, fine photographers, there’ll always be SmugMug. Oh and remember you can follow Dad’s Pixels and get semi-daily updates about family, photography and the web.

Time to consider switching to (or Squarespace, perhaps?)

It’s all your fault, SmugMug.

I’ve been a happy user for a number of years now. I enjoy the sense of community the platform provides and its ease of use; with little or no technical knowledge required in order to run a decent looking blog. My only issue is how monetizing your blog, ads and affiliate links are all major no-no’s here.

Enter SmugMug’s Partner Program. SmugMug is no doubt the premier photo sharing service and I really believe in the solutions it offers. I would endorse and recommend this service any day and twice on Sundays; with my eyes closed. I believe the value SmugMug brings to the community of photo-loving dads (my target audience) is of such caliber that partnering with them seemed like a match made in heaven and an obvious option.

Thus my current predicament. Is it time I moved this blog to a self-hosted .org version? Or maybe go with SmugMug’s pals over at Squarespace; which by the way offers gorgeous website-making solutions aimed mainly a photographers and photo-bloggers.

Your two cents would really come in handy right about now, so if there was ever a post of mine you were planning to comment on, please make it this one, would you?

UPDATE: After careful consideration I decided to give Squarespace a try for a few months but I’m sorry to report things never really worked out. At least not the way I had envisioned. Months came and went and the numbers never added up, so as of yesterday (September 12th) I’ve stopped throwing my money at Squarespace (as fine a service as they are) and decided to come back to, where it’s a lot cheaper to keep a blog no one reads anyways. You are now free to go ahead and continue not reading this blog.